Tag - establishing company in Slovenia

Address of a company in Slovenia, Europe

Address of a company in Slovenia, Europe

When registering any type of company in Slovenia, the company already needs a business address in the process of company registration. Learn more about what exact documents you need and where the business address can be located. Where can you register your business address? If you plan on performing a quiet business activity, you do not actually need a commercial space [...]

Choose Slovenia as your business destination in Europe

Choose Slovenia as your business destination

Are you considering establishing a company in Europe and did not yet decide on a destination? In that case maybe this article will help you to choose Slovenia as the place to start your business in Europe. Choose Slovenia as your business destination – good geographic position Slovenia is located in central Europe, next to Hungary, Croatia, Austria and Italy. It [...]

Language school

Language school in Slovenia, EU as a business idea

Due to Slovenia’s size, learning to speak foreign languages is very important to residents of Slovenia. As Slovene language is only spoken by roughly 2 million people, most of them have to learn at least one foreign language to be competitive in the business market. Because of this, opening your own language school is a good business idea for [...]

Shelf company in Slovenia - consequences of purchase

Shelf company in Slovenia – consequences of purchase

Are you looking for a possibility to start a business in Slovenia? Is one of the options you are considering purchasing a shelf company? We will write a series of articles connected to the consequences of purchasing a shelf company. First part of the series of articles: hidden costs of purchasing a shelf company This is the first article and it [...]

Export spices to European union

Export spices with branch office or company in EU

Export spices to European union is good business idea since growth of ethnic restaurants in Europe If your core business is selling spices, export spices to EU is great business oportunity. There is no better way to do it but with establishing company in Slovenia, one of the kindest countries in EU, business and tax wise. Since rise of popularity [...]