Tag - employing non EU residents

Obligations of employers in SloveniaEU employing foreign citizens

Obligations of employers in Slovenia/EU: employing foreign citizens

Obligations of employers in Slovenia: what do you have to be aware when employing non-EU citizens? Do you plan do do business in Europe and in the process want to employ non-EU citizens? You can do it with a company in Slovenia. But do you know the obligations of employers in Slovenia? The work of a non-EU citizen your company [...]

Employment of foreigners in your Slovenian company

Employment of foreigners in your Slovenian company

The employment of foreigners is a current topic for 45% of companies in Slovenia. They face a failed search for staff when doing business in Slovenia. If you want to learn in what ways you can employ foreign staff in your company in Slovenia, we have prepared an informative article for you. Do you want to start a business in Slovenia? [...]

No new agreement foreseen for employment in Slovenia, EU

No new agreement foreseen for employment in Slovenia, EU

Slovenia does not expect any new employment agreements in the forthcoming period. The Ministry of Labor of Slovenia announced that it does not plan new employment agreements for foreign workers in the near future. The new agreements facilitate the employment of third-country workers. In the past, the Republic of Slovenia has signed agreements with Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia.Are [...]

Logistics company in Slovenia, Europe

Logistics company in Europe – why to choose Slovenia?

International trade in European Union with logistics company in Slovenia Logistics company in Slovenia offers variety of possibilities for foreigners who wish to expand transport business to Europe. Process of opening logistics company and start transport business in simple and fast. You can register logistics company in a week and get license for transport of goods in 2 weeks. If [...]