Tag - business immigration to Slovenia

Register your company in Slovenia - free webinar

Register your company in Slovenia – free webinar

Free webinar – how to register your company in Slovenia Free webinar – how to register your company in Slovenia – a perfect way to learn more about this topic right? Have you been thinking about growing your business to Slovenia or EU? This is a great oportunity to find out more about what are posibilities. Learn about business and life in Slovenia: [...]

Can non-EU citizen open a company in Slovenia

Can non-EU citizen open a company in Slovenia

Have you’ve been thinking about your future plans lately, and were asking yourself can non-EU citizen open a company in Slovenia? Well we are happy to tell you that it is possible! And actually it is not complicated at all. Especially if you have the right help on your side! The help of more than 40 experts with more [...]

Grow your business and open a company in Slovenia/EU

Grow your business and open a company in Slovenia/EU

Did you got an idea lately to grow your business and open a company in Europe? Or you already have a company in some european country and would want to expand your business to Slovenia? Either way, your idea is great! If you want to expand your business to Europe, Slovenia is a great starting point. And if you [...]

Documents for company registration in Slovenia

Documents for company registration in Slovenia

Do you have a good business idea, want to expand your busines to Slovenia and were wondering what documents for company registration will you need? Were you searching for the right answer, but you are not sure if you got the right answers. In addition, every piece of information was slightly different from the previous one. Were you wondering [...]

What business activities can you register for ltd company

What business activities can you register for ltd company

Are you interested in opening a company and you are wondering what business activities can you register? Did you know that there are several types of activities? We can help you with individual advice in our company. In addition, you can set up a company with us as well! Do you need help with company registration in Slovenia? Our company [...]

How to establish a company in Slovenia - free webinar

How to establish a company in Slovenia – free webinar

Do you plan on starting a business in Europe – are you wondering how to establish a company in Slovenia? At DATA we are helping business people from all around the world to set up a company in Slovenia. To make these decisions easier, we also carry our free online seminars of various topics. We have added new dates [...]

Company registration and family reunification in Slovenia

Company registration and family reunification in Slovenia

Employment of foreigners in a Slovenian company Have you been thinking to make company registration and family reunification in Slovenia? With opening a company in Slovenia, you can get a work and residence permit for yourself. And for foreign nationals who want to work in your company. As well as to reunite family members. Natural persons in Slovenia usually open [...]

Change for transport company in Slovenia

Opening a transport company in Slovenia and changes

What are the changes – opening a transport company in Slovenia Opening a transport company is a great business oportunity. If you want to set up a transport business in Slovenia, it has to be a LTD company. Branch office is not an option. Founder can be a physical or a business entity. Want to know more how to open transport company? [...]

Company with limited liability in Slovenia

Company with limited liability in Slovenia

Can I register a company with limited liability in Slovenia? Company with limited liability (Ltd.) can be registered by a foreign citizen or company in Slovenia.  Opening a Ltd. requires founding capital of €7.500,00. Firstly, it is necessary to get Slovenian tax number. Each company owner and/or representatives must get it. For registration you will need a business address in Slovenia. [...]

How to register a company in Slovenia - who can be the representative

How to register a company in Slovenia and it’s representative

Who can be the representative and how to register a company in Slovenia? The first question that everyone asks is how to register a company in Slovenia? Next is who’s going to be the firm’s representative. Representative of a company in Slovenia is a natural person. He is the responsible person in the company. He is in charge to sign [...]
