How to register a Limited Liability Company in Slovenia?

How to register a Limited Liability Company in Slovenia?

If you want to register Limited Liability Company in Slovenia in shortest time possible, we are offering you useful information below.

Before arriving to our office, it is recommendable to send us via email a copy of a passport, information about permanent address and information about a business address of a future Slovenian company.

Based on this information we prepare power of attorney and send it to the client. Client sends us originally signed power of attorney via post. With this document, we can obtain Slovenian tax number and certificate of non-criminal record in Republic of Slovenia.

The course of events when register a Limited Liability Company in Slovenia?

The course of events on the day of arrival of the client:

  1. The procedure of company registration at our office “One Stop Shop”
  2. Consultancy of an accountant
  3. Meeting at the bank for opening a temporary bank account. It is obligatory to put a minimum founding capital 7.500 euro on the company bank account. Client has to bring us back a confirmation from the bank that the founding capital has been put on the bank account to finish the procedure of registration.

Company appears in the register in 7 days and client receives a resolution about the registration to the business address of new Slovenian company.

As practice shows, the first 2 years of the company are the most important for future development. That is why our services include a whole range of issues in the field of business, marketing, taxation, finance and accounting services, we provide full legal and personnel support, and assist in the social adaptation

For more information about how to register a Limited Liability Company in Slovenia please contact us on +386 1 6006 270 or +386 40 530 718 (Viber, WhatsApp). Send us your message by e-mail [email protected] and our professional consultants will answer all your questions.

In company DATA, we care about our customers, offer them our practical knowledge and experience. You can also follow us on Facebook.

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