Refund of salary compensation in Slovenia: find out more!

Refund of salary compensation in Slovenia find out more!

The article presents the procedure of the salary compensation to the employer from the Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia (ZZZS). The employer pays this money to the absent employee. The Act on  Temporary Measures for the Mitigation and Remedy of the Consequences of COVID-19 (ZZUOOP) came into force on the 24. 10. 2020. It introduced a new right – the right to sick leave of absence for up to 3 days (art. 20).

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Amount of salary compensation

The ZZZS reimburses the employer for the salary allowance at the rate at which the employer must account for the worker’s compensation in accordance with ZDR-1. The calculation shall also use the hourly basis for the employer’s compensation, calculated on the basis of the worker’s salary from the period as laid down in the Employment Relations Act or in the collective agreement. The percentage is the same as in the case of a worker’s absence from work up to 30 working days due to illness (80%).

What is the procedure for the compensation refund from ZZZS?

A refund of the salary allowance is a consequence of short-term absences from work. The employer submits a refund application to the ZZZS. If in the process of refund the insured person got an electronic sickness certificate for a period of short-term absence for which the request was made, the ZZZS will not refund the money (unless the electronic sickness certificate for that period is subsequently canceled).

Refund of salary compensation – which employers are eligible?

The refund of the salary compensation due to short-term absence from work is valid for all employers, including direct and indirect users of the budget of the municipality or state.

What are the time limits?

Salary allowance refund is made electronically with the ZZZS no later than three months after the expiry of the measure. This is until 31. 3. 2021 (if the Government of the Republic of Slovenia does not extend the measures). If the individual submits the application after the expiry of that period, the ZZZS shall not reimburse the compensation.

How to apply for a refund of salary compensation?

The employer submits the refund application electronically on the ZZZS website in Excel or also PDF file format. To prepare an application, an employer may use a published Excel utility prepared by the ZZZS for actual or fixed billing. He can also use an application that must contain the information listed on the penultimate tab of the Excel utility prepared by the employer from his salary statement program. This application must be forwarded in a PDF file. On the application for a refund, the employer should also mark No 13 (‘sickness-3 days’).

Under Article 20 of the ZZUOOP the employer pays the compensation of salary due to short-term absence due to illness (3 days) for the individual. The employer then requests a refund from ZZZS. On the application, he fills the details in box 105 on the iREK form and in box B02 on the REK form.

WARNING: This type of absence does not get a sickness certificate. The request for a refund does not contain the information on individual short term sickness absence.

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