Main business activity in the company in Slovenia/EU

main business activity

Main business activity of a company is one of many that a company can perform

Main business activity of a company is a decision which you have to make when you start your business in Slovenia. Many do not know which one to choose as the main one. At the time of registration, you can enter more activities but one of them must be the main business activity of the company. Are you also planning to open company in Slovenia? Do not hesitate to contact us. Call us on +386 40 530 718 (Viber/WhatsApp). You can also write us to [email protected].

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How to decide what will be the main business activity of the company?

AJPES keeps a register of companies. Article 13 of the Decree on the Management and Maintenance of the Business Register of Slovenia explains what the main activity is and how to choose it. It means that the main business activity of the company is the one which generates the most revenue for the company. It also means that the majority of added value is generated for the company with that business. Also, most workers in the company engage in that activity.

Read more about immigration to Slovenia

The label that shows the main business activity must be in the name of the company

When registering a company, you must make sure that the label indicating the main activity of the company is covered in the full name of the company. This rule is set out in Article 12 of the Companies Act (ZGD ‑ 1). The business activity name has to be in Slovenian language.

Example for sole trader: Gradbene storitve, France Novak s.p. (Construction services, France Novak s.p.)

The main activity of this sole trader will be construction services – 43.390 Other finishing construction works. You can find all of the activity codes in the SKD.

Example for LTD: ZIDAK, gradbeništvo, trgovina in storitve, d.o.o. (ZIDAK, construction, trade and services, d.o.o.)

The main activity of the company will be the one that will cover one of the areas listed here. Either in the field of construction, or in the field of trade or services.

Learn more about company registration in Slovenia!

After starting a business, it is possible to add and delete activities

In addition to the business activity at the time of registration, you can choose other activities that you will perform and for which you will issue an invoices. It makes sense to choose those and other activities that you plan to do. Even after registering the company, you can delete or add new activities to your company. It means that if your business plan changes, you can add or remove the activities.

If you do not know which one to choose, you can contact our legal experts for support.

Call us on +386 40 530 718  (Viber/WhatsApp)

You can change the main activity

If you want to change the main activity of the company you can do so through the SPOT portal or on any SPOT point. In the process of changing the company’s activities, you must be careful to change the name of the company that indicates the company’s activity at the same time.

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