Entrepreneurship in Slovenia

Entrepreneurship in Slovenia

The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) 2015 shows that entrepreneurship in Slovenia is a good career choice and that most entrepreneurs enter in the business field because of the exploitation of opportunities, not of necessity.

As the survey, which last year involved more than two hundred thousand people and 4.000 business professionals from 62 countries, shows that the share of entrepreneurship in Slovenia out of necessity in the past year decreased and stabilized at the level of 2013, when all emerging businesses on average, every third company has being built out of necessity. It is a form of business where the company founders opened with a view to making a profit to survive owners or co-owners.

More and more the perception of business opportunities for entrepreneurship in Slovenia

Results of survey made by The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor also showed that early-stage entrepreneurial activity of the adult population in the last year has a slight drop (it is currently 5,9 per cent), however, according to a survey there is more sensing of business opportunities.

At the same time, the researchers believe that this could in future lead to greater participation in entrepreneurship in Slovenia. As they explained this can be achieved, if the country will understand that the quality of entrepreneurship in Slovenia is crucial for economic recovery and will improve the entrepreneurial ecosystem.

Company Data – is the leading Slovenian company in the field of business support and has a high reputation in the market. The company has a team of over 50 qualified professionals who since 1990, offer future entrepreneurs and businessmen a hollow package of information for companies starting and doing business at one point.

We have a group of specialists in legislation, to provide expert assistance to foreign nationals who decide to start the procedure to business immigration in Slovenia and enter in the field of enterpreneurship in Slovenia. Therefore, we are giving an important roll to safety and legal expertise.

Our comprehensive support includes full expertise on leading legal issues, immigration, economic, business services in the field of accounting, taxation, finance, european grants and projects, marketing, and IT consulting services, including the creation of Internet resources and promotion on the Internet. We are constantly notifying our clients about current news in the Slovenian business sector and also hold seminars in foreign languages.

If you are interested in taking a step into enterpreneurship in Slovenia, we will be happy to answer your questions to help you make an important step in life and to advise on all matters of registration of legal entity in Slovenia and future development of business. Contact our consultants at: +386 1 6006 270 or +386 40 530 718 (Viber, WhatsApp) or write us on our email: [email protected]. You can also follow us on Facebook.

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