Choosing the name of the company during the registration of the company in Slovenia

Rules for company names in Slovenia

The name of the company – rules

Before the new amandments came into force in the legislation on corporations (ZGD-1), it was difficult for entrepreneurs to choose the name of the company that complies with all legal rules and would not be similar to other titles.

Now on the basis of amandments, the name of the company may contain foreign characters or a word. In any case, it is a prerequisite for the fact that the activities of the company and the form of the company should be in the Slovenian language.

On the basis of this legislation, of course, oportunities for entrepreneurs are expanded. If the name of the company is in a foreign language, it may be an advantage when entering the market of other EU countries and in cooperation with other EU companies.

Choosing the name of the company during the registration of the company

During registration you need to pay attention to the following points.

  • The name of the company should not contain the names or symbols of foreign countries and international organizations.
  • Word Slovenia or its derivatives and abbreviations, flag and emblem of the Republic of Slovenia (RS) may be entered in the name of the company only with the permission of the government of the Republic of Slovenia.
  • If you want to use the word that indicate the state or local government local community you need to get their permission.
  • Name or alias of known historical or other person is allowed to enter in the name of the company only with resolution from this person. Or with the approval of relatives and Minister of Public Administration, if the person is dead.
  • The name of the company may not contain words or signs that are contrary to law or morality. That also includes the trade mark or unregistered marks, which are protected by the rules governing trade marks or containing or simulate official signs.

Want to register a company in Slovenia?

Make a decision to register a company in our point of VEM! Together with our consultant you will choose the name that will be in accordance with the new legislation, and will be attractive and recognizable for your business partners and customers.

The procedure of company registration at our Office is free of charge! We can obtain the documents that you Will need for the procedure in advance. Our referents can also make a reservation of the name of the company in advance!

Full business support

Our company offers full support to foreign citizens who decide to start a business in Slovenia. We offer accounting service, tax and legal consultation and business migration support.

To get more information please contact us via phone +386 1 6006 270 or +386 40 530 718 (Viber, WhatsApp). You can also send us an email: [email protected].

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