Business immigration to Slovenia – open a company

Business immigration to Slovenia – open a company

Have you been wondering what is the best way to do business immigration to Slovenia, EU? A lot of foreign entrepreneurs that are thinking about expanding their business or opening a new company, are considering this idea. Let us explain why is so and what are the benefits.

Investment and business immigration to Slovenia – one of the conditions

What is the first thing that comes to mind when talking about investment. Probably real estate. Do you know if you can buy a real estate in Slovenia? In other words, who can? Most foreign citizens in Slovenia cannot buy real estate in Slovenia as natural persons. But if they would open a company in Slovenia, they have that posibility. If you are interested in this kind of investment and would like to know more, DATA company can help you and answer all your further questions. We will give all answers about investment and what you need to open a company in Slovenia. Our consultants can offer you full help.

In addition, if you are thinking of opening a company in Slovenia, you can call 00386 40 530 718 (Viber/WhatsApp). In this way you will get all the answers. Our consultants in Data will offer you full support. However, you can also contact our legal and tax consultans.  

Start your own business in Slovenia now!

Business options in Slovenia: company registration

The first step in choosing business immigration options in Slovenia is deciding which company you will open in Slovenia. If you are a new entrepreneur, you can open a limited liability company with a share capital of € 7,500. Are you ready for greater success? You want to know how to open a Ltd company in Slovenia? Our consultants in Data will offer you full support. In this regard, you can also contact our legal and tax consultans.

But if you already have a company, you also have the opportunity to open a branch or subsidiary. All types of companies provide you with the same business immigration opportunities in Slovenia.

You have many new ideas? Do you plan to grow your business in Europe? You would like to open your business but do not know where to start? Our experts will be happy to help you. Send us an email to We advice you to visit our Facebook  and Instagram. Likewise, you can also sign up for free webinars on business in Slovenia.

Business immigration options: active business

Once your company is established, it must meet one of the conditions for active business. That is to say, you can also choose one of three options for active business:

– for new companies there is an opportunity to invest € 50,000 in the company’s assets
– or employment of an EU citizen for 6 months at full time
– or show a monthly income of € 10,000 for 6 months

Moreover, each of these options gives you equal rights to do business immigration to Slovenia. Do you also have more questions? You would like to know what is the procedure? Then, you can also apply for our free webinar on company registration! In this way you can also learn more.

Why choose Slovenia?

  • There is a favorable business tax regime.
  • Legislative system is favorable for new companies.
  • The entrance to the European market.
  • Slovenia is very safe and peaceful country.
  • Access to drinkable water and good climate.
  • Good opportunities for education and student exchange.

We will help you in every step of the business immigration to Slovenia, EU member. Most importantly, once you make a decision for business immigration, we will prepare for you all the necessary documents for the registration of the company.

Do you need business advice?

Do you have more questions about business in Slovenia?  Are you still not sure what are all the steps? Most importantly, what documents you will need to make everything happen. Contact DATA for support! You can call 00386 40 530 718 (Viber/WhatsApp)Our experts will be more than glad to offer you an assistance. In addition you would like to find out some other informations? Don’t wait! Call us already today!

Moreover, after your company in Slovenia will be registered, we will support you in the preparation of the whole package of documents for obtaining a single permit for residence and work in Slovenia. In addition, our experts will help you with any questions and guide you through the whole process of business immigration.

You already have a great plan for investment? Therefore, don’t wait! Regarding additional questions for basic steps to open a company in Slovenia feel free to contact us. In other words, do not hesitate to contact our legal experts at and receive advice from our business consultants. Find out more how to do business in Slovenia.

Want to know more about business migration to Slovenia?

Why choose DATA ?

Contact DATA for support! Why us? Why do you need a partner you can trust? Because we have more than 30 years of expertise in company registration and business. Are you planning to expand a business in Europe? Choose Slovenia! Our experts will be happy to help you. Send us an email to We advice you to also visit our Facebook  and Instagram. You can also sign up for free webinars on business in Slovenia.

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