Tag - investments in Slovenia

Choice of investment - business immigration to Slovenia

Choice of investment – business immigration to Slovenia

Have you been considering starting your business in Europe but are still deciding on a country through which you would enter the European market? In that case, consider opening a company in Slovenia. Because in addition to offering stable economic conditions for business conduct, it also offer a very straightforward option to start business immigration. Within the company you [...]

Invest in business in Slovenia, EU

Invest in business in Slovenia, EU – what are the conditions?

Invest in business in Slovenia – where to start and what are the opportunities to start a business in Slovenia, in the heart of Europe? When an entrepreneur decides to invest in business and move it abroad he needs help. Someone who understands all his fears, knows the local environment and legislation, helps in the process of resettlement. The company DATA employs a [...]

Granting financial stimulation for initial investments of foreign investors

Granting financial stimulation for initial investments of foreign investors

The deadline of the call for tender for granting financial stimulation for initial investments of foreign investors (for first-time capital entries) ends in March of next year. It is eligible for all foreign investors, who are legal entities and have a business seat outside of Slovenia and natural persons, who have residence outside of Slovenia, and would perform the [...]