Tag - information about company registration in Slovenia

Valuable information before starting a company in Slovenia

Valuable information before starting a company in Slovenia

Every entrepreneur who has already started a business knows that being well prepared for the company registration is a key ingredient to success. It is also important that you put your trust into competent experts when seeking support for starting up your business in Europe. At DATA we share with you valuable information to better prepare yourself for starting [...]

Learn more about Slovenia through these interesting facts

Learn more about Slovenia through these interesting facts

Many foreigners visit Slovenia and find the country itself amazing. In addition to tourist visits, Slovenia has become more and more interesting as a business destination for foreign entrepreneurs. But before making a final decision where to start your business in Europe you might want to learn the following interesting facts on Slovenia to make a more informed decision. Are [...]

How to register a company in Slovenia, Europe

How to register a company in Slovenia, EU?

Have you been thinking about doing business in Europe but are still deciding on the destination? Slovenia is one of Europe’s most attractive markets to start or expand a business. Learn how to register a company in Slovenia and proceed with offering your services or products in Europe. How to register a company in Slovenia, EU – Needed documents If you [...]
