Tag - company types

Taxation of branch offices of foreign companies in Slovenia

Taxation of branch offices of foreign companies in Slovenia

Many foreigners are considering the possibility of expanding their business in Europe. If they have an existing LTD company abroad, they can open a branch office in Slovenia and start their business in Slovenia through that branch. The business of that branch office has to abide by the Slovenian legislation. But there are certain exceptions when it comes to [...]

Distinctions between company types in Slovenia, EU

Distinctions between company types in Slovenia, EU

Are you a foreigner who is looking to start a business in Europe? You can consider Slovenia as one of the possible destinations of your future business conduct. Sometimes, foreigners do not know what kind of company type they can establish in Slovenia. Hence, we have decided to explain the distinctions between the company types to make your decision [...]

Types of companies you can establish in Slovenia, EU

Types of companies you can establish in Slovenia, EU

If you are a seasoned entrepreneur and would like to expand to the European market, there are several types of companies you can establish in Slovenia. Having a company in Slovenia gives you the possibility to enter the European market and present your goods or services on a strong international crowd. Types of companies you can establish in Slovenia, EU If [...]
