Tag - address of the company

Company registered address in Slovenia

Company registered address in Slovenia

Every company in Slovenia requires to have a company registered address. This goes both for the LTD and the sole trader. When registering the address at premises you do not own, you need explicit consent of the owner. What is this statement and how does it look like? What is the process to have a company registered address in [...]

Modification of your company address in Slovenia

Modification of your company address in Slovenia

Do you have a company or are planning to start a business in Slovenia? Having a company address for the business is a mandatory part of the registration process. But it is possible to change the address later on? What are the steps for company address modification? Do you want to start a business in Slovenia? Are you also having trouble [...]

Do you need an office for your company in Slovenia, EU?

Do you need an office for your company in Slovenia, EU?

Starting your business in Slovenia would require you to present a business address for your company. Many entrepreneurs often wonder if this means that they require to have an actual office in Slovenia. Others wonder in what type of premises they can register their business address. We have prepared this article to help clarify the matter.Are you considering company [...]

Address of the company in Slovenia, EU

Address of the company in Slovenia, EU

When registering any company type in Slovenia, you will have to present an address for the company. It will have to be an address in Slovenia. Many foreigners mistakenly think that if they establish a branch office, they do not need to have an address of the company in Slovenia. But even a branch office, which is not a [...]