Slovenia – the best country for business in the area of former Yugoslavia

Slovenia - the best country for business in the area of former Yugoslavia

In the list of best countries to do business, you can find information about which country is the best country for business. In the region of the former Yugoslavia are on the best position Slovenia and Macedonia. Slovenia is on 20th and Macedonia on the 39th place in the list of the best country for business, Slovenia assessed as the best country for business, ahead of Serbia, Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well ahead of Hungary and Greece.

In the Forbes’ list, Hungary is on in the 42th place. From 44th to 46th place are Romania, Bulgaria and Croatia. Montenegro is 49th in the list of best countries for business, Greece fiftieth, 69th Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina 78th, Serbia as one of the last countries in the region occupies 83rd.

On the first position in the list, which was published late last year, is Denmark, followed by New Zealand, Norway, Ireland and Sweden.

In the top ten follow Finland, Canada, Singapore, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. Switzerland 12th, Germany 18th, United States 22nd, 23rd, Japan, Austria takes 28thplace in the Forbes list. In the Forbes list of best countries for business are 144 countries, and the last one is Chad.

Countries on the list are ranked based on 11 criteria, including the right to property, innovation, taxes, technology, corruption, freedom (personal, financial, market, safety and protection of investors). When this list was formed, was used data from Freedom House, Heritage Foundation, Transparency International.

Do you want to start a business in Slovenia, which is the best country for business in the area of the former Yugoslavia?

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