
How to open a company in Slovenia

How to open a company in Slovenia – free webinar

Business opportunity – how to open a company in Slovenia Have you been thinking about new business, learn about how to open a company in Slovenia. Learn about business and life in Slovenia: visit our free webinars! Learn about all this , as well as how to do business in Slovenia in the easiest way by visiting our free webinars.  For more info about how [...]

How to register a company in Slovenia - who can be the representative

How to register a company in Slovenia and it’s representative

Who can be the representative and how to register a company in Slovenia? The first question that everyone asks is how to register a company in Slovenia? Next is who’s going to be the firm’s representative. Representative of a company in Slovenia is a natural person. He is the responsible person in the company. He is in charge to sign [...]

How to open a company in Slovenia and obtain work permit

How to open a company in Slovenia and obtain work permit!

How to open a company in Slovenia and obtain work and residence permit! Are you thinking to open a company in Slovenia? Great. That way, you can access the EU market. As a representative of a company, you can apply for the work and residence permit. In this article, we will explain how to do that. Data d. o. o. is [...]

Construction company registration in Slovenia

Construction company registration in Slovenia

Construction company registration – what you need to know If you want to expand your business, construction company registration is one of the best option. In addition, you can open it quickly and easily! Spring has arrived, and construction work is operating fully. And you, are you ready? Are you planning to start a business but still not sure where. [...]

Open a company in EU - Why not Slovenia?

Open a company in EU – Why not Slovenia?

Open a company in EU – Slovenia Open a company in EU, Slovenia and expand your business to European market. Slovenia is well organized, nice country with a good standard of living. It has a great location bordering Italy, Croatia, Hungary, Austria and, on the southwest, the Adriatic sea. Its main coastal town Koper is also an international port. Most residents speak [...]

Prices of apartments and houses in Slovenia

Prices of apartments and houses in Slovenia

Prices of real estates in Slovenia – investment opportunities Prices of apartments and houses in Slovenia – real estate is one of the most lucrative business in Slovenia. It is good to know, there are many construction projects going on at the moment and demand is higher than the supply. This is a great opportunity for investment. Most foreigners who [...]

Start your business in Slovenia - what are the first steps?

Start your business in Slovenia – what are the first steps?

Looking for new business opportunities? Start your business in Slovenia! Have you been thinking about a fresh start – start your business in Slovenia! Opening a company in Slovenia is an individual decision that requires careful planning and information gathering from the future entrepreneur. Therefore, if you have a good business idea and are wondering what makes the most sense for [...]

Open IT company in EU- how about Slovenia?

Open IT company in EU- how about Slovenia?

Open IT company in EU, Slovenia and you will have open doors to EU market. If you are an IT expert your skills are very marketable in the EU so it might be a good idea. Besides that, Slovenia is a good place for life and work. It is small but very nice European country. You will enjoy Slovenian [...]

How to transfer your business to slovenia?

How to transfer your business to Slovenia?

How to transfer your business to Slovenia? Are you a seasoned entrepreneur abroad and would like to enter the European market? Transfer your business to EU by opening a company in Slovenia. If you plan to transfer your business to the very vibrant European market, consider Slovenia as a good business destination. Slovenia prides itself in good economic standing and stable business [...]
