Child benefit if you move to Slovenia

Child benefit if you move to Slovenia

From the 1st of January 2018 more funds are available for child benefit in Slovenia. Child benefit in Slovenia was introduced by the Public Finance Balance Act (ZUJF). The child benefit will be reintroduced in the 7th and 8th income class. That means that additional 45.000 children in Slovenia will receive child benefit.

The child benefit is a complementary income for the child’s subsistence, upbringing, and education. It’s one of the social transfers. In this moment 249.000 children receive child support and the average amount is 76 euros per child, according to the Ministry of Labor, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities (MDDSZ).

How to determine the amount for child benefit?

The amount of the child allowance is determined according to the family classification in the income class, which is determined as a percentage of the average monthly salary of all employees in Slovenia for the calendar year prior to the submission of the request.

Are you thinking about moving to Slovenia? Read more it in this article: Immigration to Slovenia.

The amount of child benefit for a child until the end of the primary school or up to the age of 18 (in euros)

Income classAverage monthly income per person (in %)First childSecond childThird or more children
1Up to 18 %114,31125,73137,18
2Above 18 % up to 30 %97,73108,04118,28
3Above 30 % up to 36 %74,4883,2591,98
4Above 36 % up to 42 %58,7567,0375,47
5Above 42% up to 53 %48,0456,0664,03
6aAbove 53 % up to 56 %30,4438,1045,71
6bAbove 56 % up to 64 %30,4438,1045,71
7Above 64% (659,3€) up to 82% (844,73 €)22,8330,4438,10
8Above 82% (844,73 €) up to 99% (1.019,86 €)19,8827,5035,11

Amount of child benefit for a child in high school, but not exceeding 18 years old (in euros)

Income classAverage monthly income per person (in %)First childSecond childThird or more children
1Up to 18 %114,31125,73137,18
2Above 18 % up to 30 %97,73108,04118,28
3Above 30 % up to 36 %74,4883,2591,98
4Above 36 % up to 42 %58,7567,0375,47
5Above 42% up to 53 %48,0456,0664,03
6aAbove 53 % up to 56 %30,4438,1045,71
6bAbove 56 % up to 64 %43,4451,1071,17
7Above 64% (659,3€) up to 82% (844,73 €)28,8336,4449,65
8Above 82% (844,73 €) up to 99% (1.019,86 €)22,8830,5039,89

The Ministry gives the following two examples of children’s allowances in the 7th and 8th income class.

  •  Two parents with one child:
    If the parents earn between € 1,998 and € 2,534, they fall into the 7th income class. If they together earn between € 2,534 and € 3,060, they are classified in the 8th income class.
  • Two parents with two children:
    If the parents together earn between € 2,637 and € 3,379, they are classified in the 7th income class. If they together earn between € 3,379 and € 4,079, they are classified in the 8th income class.

Other measures to improve the situation of families

In 2017, the child benefit for all children in the 5th and 6th income class was the same as before the enforcement of austerity measures. Some kids also receive subsidy for snacks and lunches. With the entry into force of the new Act (ZUPJS-C), the child allowance as income for the following rights and subsidies is not counted in full, but reduced by 20% of the amount. In the coming year, fathers will also be entitled to a total of 30 days of paternity leave with paternity compensation.

How to receive a child benefit?

You claim the right to child benefit at the Center of Social Work where you have your permanent residence. You claim the right with a single application for exercising rights from public funds.

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