Tag - VAT

Related parties and entering the VAT system in Slovenia – conditions

Related parties and entering the VAT system in Slovenia – conditions

Entrepreneurs who do business in Europe often ask about the conditions to enter the VAT system. While we have already explained the subject in our previous articles, we wanted to emphasize the differences for entering the VAT system when there are several related parties. Do you want to start a business in Slovenia? Are you also having trouble understanding what is [...]

VAT return in Slovenia - who is eligible

VAT return in Slovenia – who is eligible?

VAT return is always a popular subject for entrepreneurs who do business in Europe.  It is important both for Slovenian companies as well as for foreign companies that provide services or products in Slovenia.  Do you want to start a business in Slovenia? Are you also having trouble understanding what is best for the success of your business? Apply for our free webinar on company [...]

Taxes in Slovenia – learn about taxes in our short guide

Taxes in Slovenia – learn about taxes in our short guide

Taxes in Slovenia are an important element in the decision-making process for entrepreneurs who start their business in Europe. In today’s article we will be covering the taxes which you can expect in Slovenia, both for companies as well as for individuals. Do you want to start a business in Slovenia? Are you also having trouble understanding what is best for [...]

Deduction of VAT in Slovenia - possibilities and options

Deduction of VAT in Slovenia – possibilities and options

The possibilities of VAT deduction are very important for entrepreneurs who do business in Europe. VAT deduction is the right of VAT payers that have a valid ID number for VAT. Sometimes entrepreneurs are not quite clear when the deduction is possible and when impossible. Do you want to start a business in Slovenia? Are you also having trouble understanding [...]

Value added tax - a guide for VAT in Slovenia

Value added tax – a guide for VAT in Slovenia

Value added tax, or VAT in short, is basically a consumption tax. It also means that it is paid at each stage or for each individual movement of the same kind of goods or services. VAT is also a sales tax – so it is calculated when the transaction is made. Entrepreneurs who start their business in Europe tend [...]

Value added tax for your company in Slovenia, EU

Value added tax for your company in Slovenia, EU

Value added tax is a general, broadly based consumption tax assessed on the value added to goods or services. The abbreviation for the name is VAT. It applies predominantly for all goods and services that are bought and sold for use or consumption in the EU. In this article, we will be presenting value added tax in Slovenia so [...]

VAT rates in Slovenia – standard and lowered rate

VAT rates in Slovenia – standard and lowered rate

Foreigners who engage in business in Europe often have specific questions about value added tax – VAT. In Slovenia, there are two VAT rates – standard 22% and lowered 9,5%.  Certain products are eligible for the lowered VAT rate and we will be explaining for which products you can charge the lowered VAT rate after company registration in Slovenia. Are [...]

When does your company become a VAT payer?

When does your company become a VAT payer?

If you are thinking about expanding your business by opening a company in Slovenia, it would give you a good gateway to do business in Europe as well. A company registered in Slovenia does not have to just do business in Slovenia. It can be part of the European market and engage in business conduct in with other EU [...]

Limit when a company enters the VAT system in Slovenia

Limit when a company enters the VAT system in Slovenia

When you register a company and start doing your business in Slovenia, accountants recommend that you lead a precise registry about the income of your company. This is because there is a certain limit to the income that is connected to your company entering the VAT system. Obtaining the VAT number is not mandatory for all companies According to the Law [...]

Atypical vat payer does your company have to register

Atypical VAT payer – does your company have to register?

If you are opening a company in Slovenia and plan to do business in Europe, your company might have to register as an atypical value added tax (VAT) payer. Doing business in Slovenia and entering the VAT system If you only plan on doing business in Slovenia and do not surpass the threshold of 50.000€ income in the last 12 months, [...]
