Invest in business in Slovenia – where to start and what are the opportunities to start a business in Slovenia, in the heart of Europe?
When an entrepreneur decides to invest in business and move it abroad he needs help. Someone who understands all his fears, knows the local environment and legislation, helps in the process of resettlement. The company DATA employs a team of specialists who will help in optimizing your business in Slovenia. Our legal advisors specialize in commercial law, as well as immigration law, so they will always know the answers to your questions.
In order for you to do business in Slovenia, the founder must register a company. You can open either: LTD, representative/branch office or subsidiary company.
Invest in business in Slovenia – the costs of starting your own business
At our offices registration of the company is completely free of charge. The LTD company can be registered at the point “all in one place”. Registration is carried out together with a referent from the field of entrepreneurship.
On the other hand, the LTD company must have a starting capital on the company’s account. The capital must be at least 7,500 euros. After the registration of the company, the company has the right to spend capital on all matters related to the organization, management and business conduct.
To start a business in Slovenia, there are no other initial costs.
Invest in business in Slovenia – the second low-cost option
The second option to invest in business in Slovenia is the registration of a branch office of your foreign company. The branch office is not a legal entity. There is no starting capital needed – given that the branch is completely dependent on the parent company.
Invest in business in Slovenia – why to choose Slovenia?
To invest in business in Slovenia is the only way to start a business in a promising country.
Why invest in business in Slovenia:
- favorable geostrategic position,
- unlimited business with other EU countries,
- an organized tax environment.
Foreign director has the right to obtain a work and residence permit on the basis of investment in business. Our referents can help you with this step also.
Invest in business in Slovenia – comprehensive business support
The compay Data can offer everything that a foreign entrepreneur needs: accounting service, business address, legal and tax advice, language support and much more.
Please contact us by e-mail at [email protected], or call us at +386 1 6006 270, Viber / WhatsApp: +386 40 530 718.
You can also find us on Facebook.
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