Tag - Tax advisors Slovenia

Tax advisors situations when your company in SloveniaEU needs them

Tax advisors: situations when your company in Slovenia/EU needs them

Tax advisors are not only experts for solving difficult situations when calls start coming from the Financial Administration of the Republic of Slovenia (FURS). Such experts can also improve your tax situation in 2021! In what situations do you need the tax advisors for your business? Are you also interested to start a business in Europe? Also, do you know what is [...]

Tax concessions in Slovenia

Tax concessions in Slovenia

What tax concessions are there in Slovenia? Tax concessions in Slovenia can lower the amount of the tax base. In addition to the tax concessions for investments and subsidies, do not forget about the tax concessions that you can request to reduce your tax base in 2016, which are connected to the employment of your employees. Based on the »Law on [...]

Register as a VAT through portal e-VEM

Register as a VAT through portal e-VEM

A legal person wishing to register as a VAT payer must apply for VAT identification number by filing in the electronic form through the e-tax, or electronic portal VEM. To use e-tax system or e-VEM portal you will require to have a certificate. Our clients do variety of other important things through VEM point – such as tax data [...]