Living in Slovenia

News about SloveniaEU business news in our free webinars!

News about Slovenia/EU: business news in our free webinars!

News about Slovenia/EU – attend our free webinars for company registration and business immigration! The best way to learn about business in Europe and life in a country is to ask an expert. At DATA, we have 40 experts who are set to help foreign business people with their business in Slovenia. As not everyone also has the option to [...]

Webinars about SloveniaEU learn about business free of charge!

Webinars about Slovenia/EU: learn about business free of charge!

Webinars about Slovenia – learn all about business and life in Slovenia by attending our free webinars! Summer is a great time to try and develop new ideas, especially in business. It is also a good time to be able to visit new places to find a good global market to start. Slovenia offers a great choice for life and [...]

Slovenian business news attend our free webinars on SloveniaEU!

Slovenian business news: attend our free webinars on Slovenia/EU!

Slovenian business news: attend our free webinars! Are you searching for a country to do business in Europe? Choose Slovenia! Slovenia is a country in central Europe, within EU and Schengen zone. It is a great place to start your business and to live here. A great way to learn more about the country is also attending our free webinars. [...]

Presentation of Slovenia a choice for life and business in Europe!

Presentation of Slovenia: a choice for life and business in Europe!

Presentation of Slovenia: a hidden gem in Europe! After a year of the global pandemic, life is slowly getting back to normal. The businesses are opening again and the business people are looking for new ways to capitalize their products and services. Usually this means also expanding to new markets. Europe is a large global market with almost 750 million [...]

Information about SloveniaEU learn all about it in our free webinars!

Information about Slovenia/EU: learn all about it in our free webinars!

Information about Slovenia/EU – attend our free webinars! Webinars are a great way to learn about many topics in the time of a pandemic. At DATA, we have been using this time to give information on Slovenia through free online webinars. We carry them out every week and they include the information both on business and the life in Slovenia. [...]

Immigrating to SloveniaEU based on company setup

Immigrating to Slovenia/EU based on company setup

Immigrating to Slovenia by establishing a company Immigrating to Slovenia is possible in many ways. It can be by employment, studying or reuniting with family. The easiest way it to set up your own company. This way will allow you to both do business in Slovenia as well as live here as the director of the company. What do you [...]

May dates for our free webinars on business in SloveniaEU

May dates for our free webinars on business in Slovenia/EU

Do you plan to expand your business in Europe and are looking for the optimal country? Then experts at DATA would be happy to explain the advantages of Slovenia as a business destination in Europe. We are providing the information through our free online webinars. We have added new May dates and invite you to attend them. For more information [...]

Online learning about business in SloveniaEU attend our webinars!

Online learning about business in Slovenia/EU: attend our webinars!

Online learning through attending webinars has become a popular way to explore business options in the past year. At the company DATA, we have also been in course with providing our knowledge in this manner. We have been providing our support through online webinars where foreign business people can learn how they can start a business in Europe and [...]

Live webinar on various topics of business in SloveniaEU

Live webinar on various topics of business in Slovenia/EU

Since April 2020, experts at DATA have been sharing their knowledge with the world by hosting live webinars. During the year, there were several contents of these webinars. We continue to host them weekly and have prepared new dates for both webinars. One live webinar covers the topic of business setup in Slovenia. The other one explains the ways [...]

Free online lecture on business and residency in SloveniaEU

Free online lecture on business and residency in Slovenia/EU

Europe is the go-to destination for many foreign business people. They choose starting up their business or moving here because of the wide options they have for doing business. But within the many countries in EU, it is often difficult to choose which country is the most suitable for business in Europe. At DATA, experts will be explaining why [...]
