Salary Calculator Slovenia


Izračun Plače 2023 Latest Copy

01 Salary

The gross salary is a minimum of 1,277.72€
The minimum gross salary for 2025 amounts to: 1,277.72 euros.
Average gross annual salary for 2023: 2,220,95 euros gross. The minimum basis (from March 2024 onwards) for the calculation of social security contributions for persons in employment is EUR 1,332,57 (60% of the average annual salary of employees in the Republic of Slovenia
Monthly travel cost to work is either €0.21 per km driven or €140 per month.
The minimum food allowance is €5,60 per day (depending on the collective agreement applicable to the employer), the maximum tax-free food allowance is €7.96 per day.

02 Tax relief

03 Calculation

1. Doprinosi od bruto plate radnika

2. Tax reliefs

3. Income tax

1. Contributions of the employer

02 Izračun

*All calculations are purely informative. Data d.o.o. does not carry any liability for possible irregularities in the calculations.
*Transportation and lunch are obligatory costs.
If you need an official or more complex calculation (with bonuses, disability …), contact us at 01 600 62 70 or [email protected].