Tag - entrepreneurship in EU


Entrepreneurship in Slovenia – opportunity of a lifetime

Entrepreneurship in Slovenia for foreign citizens Entrepreneurship is an opportunity for foreign citizens to do business, expand business, and also move to Slovenia. Foreign citizens can register in Slovenia: LTD, branch office (representative office), subsidiary or become sole proprietor. Entrepreneurship – in Slovenia with the company Data In the company Data, at the point “All in one place” you can register company for free. [...]

Entrepreneurship in EU

Entrepreneurship in EU – start your own company!

Entrepreneurship in EU Are you interested in entrepreneurship in EU? Do you want to start your own business? In this article we Will present the procedure and documentation that is required for company registration. Entrepreneurship in EU – opening a company in Slovenia Entrepreneurship in EU is a good opportunity for foreigners who want to expand their business in the EU. Company [...]

Entrepreneurship in Slovenia

Entrepreneurship in Slovenia

The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) 2015 shows that entrepreneurship in Slovenia is a good career choice and that most entrepreneurs enter in the business field because of the exploitation of opportunities, not of necessity. As the survey, which last year involved more than two hundred thousand people and 4.000 business professionals from 62 countries, shows that the share of entrepreneurship [...]