Tag - cryptocurrencies

Cryptocurrencies in Slovenia

Buying cryptocurrencies: When the SMA supervise the service?

Buying cryptocurrencies: When the Securities Market Agency supervise the service? Firstly, if you want to sell cryptocurrencies also to foreign legal entities, you have to register a company. You will also have to register appropriate business activities (buying cryptocurrencies for a foreign account). There may be some confusion about this. Therefore, we recommend that you carry out the process at Data VEM Point, where [...]

Tax treatment of cryptocurrencies in Slovenia

Tax treatment of cryptocurrencies – what do you have to know

Tax treatment of cryptocurrencies The Financial Administration of the Republic of Slovenia (Furs) has published new explanations regarding tax treatment of cryptocurrencies and crypto tolkens. The main topic of these explanations is tax treatment of cryptocurrenices. If you will still need help after reading the explanations, you can always turn to out tax consultants. You can also consult with us before opening a company that [...]

Cryptocurrency mining business in Slovenia, EU

Cryptocurrency mining – activity registration

Cryptocurrency mining – business idea Do you need a business idea for your company in Slovenia? The activity of your new company can also be cryptocurrency mining. If you have already tried to earn money from them, you surely are thinking about cryptocurrency mining. If your company wants to deal with cryptocurrency mining, you have to register the right activities. You [...]