Education in Slovenia

Recognition is needed to find jobs, continue education in Slovenia in the Slovenian university or professional development on the basis of higher education.

The education received outside the Republic of Slovenia, is not automatically recognized in its territory. The diplomas issued by universities of third countries, you must nostrify – carry out the procedure of recognition of equivalence.

Educational institutions in Slovenia

Pre-school education takes place in public and private kindergartens, that accept kids from 11 months. Preschool education is not mandatory.

Education in SloveniaChildren of foreign citizens residing in Slovenia, are entitled to compulsory education from age 6, on the same terms as the children of citizens of Slovenia. Basic school education in Slovenia takes 9 years and it is obligatore. Application in the first class is made in February this year for the next school year. Of course there are possible aslo some exceptions. In addition to governmental schools, in Slovenia operate private schools.

After primary school children receive secondary education, which is divided into general education (grammar school), vocational, secondary vocational and technical. Depending on the type, secondary education lasts 3-4 years, at the end of the school children take unified state exams, that give them the possibility to enter the university.

In Slovenia, there are international schools and kindergartens. Within the framework of services of social adaptation, we will help you find the right school or preschool in Slovenia and hlep you prepare a statement on reception of your children.

Do you need more information?

It is recommended to start the procedure of registration of your children at schools and kindergartens in Slovenia before they receive a residence permit.

To get residence permit of Slovenia for your children under age, there is obligatory that also one of the parents have residence permit in Slovenia and receives regular incomes. The option of obtaining residence permit that we offer you is based on the establishment of Limited Liability Company.

Based on the employment in the company, you will apply for residence permit and establishing a company in Slovenia will give you great oportunity to expand your business to Europe.

For permanent residence permit you can apply when having temporary residence permit for 5 years. When you have residence in Slovenia for 10 years, you have the right to apply for citizenship.

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