Accounting services

When you choose our accounting services, you will get many experienced teams of accountants and bookkeepers working on your behalf. They will support and help you to reach your entrepreneurial goals. We are one of the largest accounting companies in Slovenia with 28 years of experiences.

Our accounting services in Slovenia offers you specific accounting and tax consulting and calculations (regarding salaries, employing workers, taxes, contributions, dividends, VAT ID in Slovenia etc.) for the purpose of starting a business in Slovenia!

Answers to the most important accounting issues – clear and concise:

Do you need accounting services?

What can we do for you – accounting services?

Since we want to help you in every occasion at any time, we have organised our DATA accounting services in teams. This is how we have always sufficient knowledge and we are always available to help. As a result, your questions and problems will be taken care of individually and with full devotion.

In addition, we have insured our professional work and we accept full responsibility for it. Apart from our regular work, you could also ask our accountants for financial projections, financial plans and other statements. You will need them for business planning, acquisition of finances or business partners.

Even before you open a company in Slovenia, we can give you advice on which form of bookkeeping is best for you. Furthermore, we can explain you the basics of Slovenian tax law and other financial legislation and answer your questions. Following the registration of your new company in Slovenia we then closely monitor your business events and analyse your results together. At all times we ensure that your books are kept in accordance with the Slovenian regulations and Slovenian accounting standards.

Accounting advice

The accounting services of DATA Company are obliged to prepare quality and useful information for you so that you can do better business decisions. With this in mind our accountants will help you solve problems, look for alternatives with you, participate in the preparation of business plans. Furthermore, they would prepare various statements and analyse the results. An accountant must be more than just a bookkeeper. As you know, bookkeeper is directed to the past, as they record already finished corporate events. While an accountant looks to the future and is responsible for accounting, budgeting and control.

We can advise you on the investment of company capital, investments and depreciation, operating costs with us, payroll calculation in Slovenia, travel expenses, other work-related expenses, etc. We also help you regarding taxation and cooperation with your parent companies or other companies abroad.

Tax consultancy

At the DATA Company we have employed tax experts who offer our customers complete support about taxation. With careful planning we help you to optimise business operations and reduce negative tax effects. In particular, we advise you as regards to VAT returns, excise duties and taxes on corporate income. Surely, we help you with all other tax liabilities that arise during your business in Slovenia, depending on your specific status. We advise on the correct enforcement of tax incentives, calculations of income tax and other taxes of natural persons. In order to help you, we offer tax planning, analysis of your situation and active participation in any inspection.

We have to point out, that we focus on preventive consultation. Because of that, we tell you in advance, what kind of tax, accounting and financial implications will have arisen with a particular business move in Slovenia or European Union.

Financial advice

Financial advice is of key importance in business decisions, as the future of your company and development of your business are often dependent on the quality of advice.

Before we advise you, we review and analyse the existing situation. For this reason, we prepare your short-term and long-term financial plans. In addition, we calculate cash flow and examine the effects of investment on the future financial picture of your business. Also, we prepare all documentation for the financing of investment. As well we help you to improve liquidity and solvency of your company. Furthermore, we manage receivables, outflows and savings with you, and we can also do financial supervision. We advise you on searching for possible sources of financing, determining the appropriate financial maturity and on planning financing needs.

   What is included in our accounting package?

  • Bookkeeping of documents in basic business books.
  • Monthly VAT calculations, the preparation and submission of tax forms via e-taxes; salary calculation.
  • Analytical recording of expenses and revenues.
  • Keeping register of fixed assets and clearance of amortisation of fixed assets.
  • Monitoring of claims and liabilities.
  • The support and assistance for your business (by phone, in person or via e-mail).
  • Twice per year business overview and results from business books.

Do you need accounting services?

Answers to the most important accounting issues – clear and concise

How much is company founding capital and how can a company obtain more funding to start a business?

If you want to open an independent company with limited liability (LTD) in Slovenia, you will need 7.500 EUR of founding capital for this.

This you may spent on business immediately after opening your company. You can use it for investment in fixed assets, to pay the costs, salaries, etc. Your could invest founding capital in the form of material resources, for example immovable or movable property.

If you would want to invest more than 7,500 EUR in your company and ensure its accelerated growth, you can do this in two ways. First of all, you may already determine a higher basic capital from the basic for your company. Secondly, you can deposit the capital after you register your company. With this your company becomes larger, stronger, and more stable.

Another possibility is that a business owner or someone else lends money to a under a loan agreement. The agreement is limited to a certain period. After that, you may extend it or the company can return the loan.

What are the basic costs of business operations?

The basic costs of business operations of a company opened by partners from abroad usually include using virtual office or physical office space. Also, you have to add cost of accounting and legal services. In addition, you should also include other operating expenses or operating costs.

Again, you must add the cost of your wages and salaries of your employees. Minimum wage per employee in a company is gross 842.79 EUR in 2018. Then to this cost you need to add the payment of a minimum cost for meals (for 20 working days at least 72.4 EUR) and transport costs (0.18 euro per kilometre).

This means that the cost for your company is more than a thousand euros per month for one job. Overall, you should not forget the contributions to social system. Also you must pay a compulsory annual leave allowance to a worker. You should do that once a year at least in the amount of the minimum wage.

Can foreign entrepreneurs also obtain EU funds and funds for employment?

Your company founded in Slovenia will be in exactly the same position as companies whose owners are Slovenian citizens regarding obtaining the European funds for various projects and development.

This means that you can obtain grants or low-cost, subsidised credits from the EU funds. You can use founds for developing your business in the EU market or Slovenia. As well, you can use them for research, for investing in different assets, etc.

Slovenia also offers a variety of subsidies for the employment of people of various profiles all the time. This can facilitate employment of workers for you and your company.

Do you need accounting services?